Research Team

Prof.Yenni Rozimela,Ph.D
The Chair of CSFLE
  1. Yenni Rozimela is Professor of English Language and Literacy Education, specializing in TESOL. Currently she is the Director of the Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Padang (State University of Padang, Indonesia). Her research interests include genre, writing, interpretation, assessment, and teacher professional development. She has published a number of articles in these areas in various journals. She also has written and presented her research papers in national and international seminars/conferences. 
Sitti Fatimah, S.S., M.Ed., Ph.D
The Secretary of CSFLE

2. Sitti Fatimah is a senior lecturer at English Language Education Program. Currently she is the Head of Language Centre of Universitas Negeri Padang (State University of Padang, Indonesia). Her research interests include writing, assessment, drama education/pedagogy in ELT and teacher professional development. She has published a number of articles in these areas in various journals. She also has written and presented her research papers in national and international seminars/conferences.